Competitve Programmer + Developer
I am a Competitve programmer with good decent knowledge of data structures and algorithms, and have good maths skills. My current Rating are 1349(1399 Highest) on codeforces, and 1461(1461 Highest) on codechef.
I love solving problem on data structures and algorithms on various online judges such as leetcode, GeeksForGeeks, interviewBit, hackerearth etc. I have solved almost 500+ problems on these online judges.
Recently I started working on my Web development skills starting from HTML, CSS, and slowly and steadily moving towards to the javascript part.
Competitve Programer and Developer
My name is Vaibhav Agarwal and I am 2nd Year Studnet pursuing Electronics and Computer Engineering from JC Bose University, YMCA.
I love competitve programming and loves to solve problems that uses are mind and aptitude, giving contest on competitve websites is fun for me. Current Pupil on codeforces and 4 star at codechef, my aim is to reach Expert at codeforces and 5 star at codechef I recently started working on my Development skills, and this portfolio is my first website hosted on the internet. Beside coumputer stuff I love to read books, Cycling, Movies, Animes, and playing computer games.